The highly anticipated filmed version of the hip hop musical “Hamilton” is set to launch on the Disney+ streaming service July 3rd. To celebrate, members of the cast are hosting a meet-up online with proceeds from the event going to support Ireland’s Artist Emergency Relief Fund.
Irish Fans of Hamilton are invited to join members of the cast for an online pre-watch-party on July 2nd. Original cast member Thayne Jasperson (pictured) who is featured in the forthcoming release will be joined by Austin Scott who played Hamilton for two years and Ryan Vasques who is currently part of the Broadway cast. The stars will discuss the release, answer questions and may even perform.
The show, which is about America’s first Treasury Secretary, has been a global sensation and won 11 Tony Awards and the Pulitzer Prize. The 60-second trailer, released Sunday, shows a montage of scenes from the critically acclaimed drama.
The event is being hosted by Boom Masterclass an online platform that was set up by a group of Irish theatre-makers to provide employment opportunities for actors who have found themselves out of work due to Covid-19 restrictions.
The event is free and those who attend are being encouraged to make a donation to Ireland’s Artist Emergency Relief Fund.
The Hamilton pre-watch-party will take place on July 2nd at 9 pm to register your place visit
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